
ASCI is the Study Association for Information Science students at the University of Groningen. The goal of the association is to serve the interests of the students and to promote contact between students and the Faculty of Arts. ASCI tries to accomplish this by organizing activities, providing study materials against a reasonable price and by recruiting, binding and supporting new members. Furthermore, ASCI maintains contact with the faculty, persons, business and organizations who support the aims of the association.



To encourage contact between members, ASCI organizes many social activities. There is the yearly LAN-Party, trip abroad, hitchhiking weekend and End-of-the-year-BBQ. Besides these, committees within the association are free to fill in activities with their own ideas, for instance paintballing, a pub quiz or a gaming tournament.


ASCI thinks it is important for its members to get an idea of what their possible careers could look like and at what companies they could work. This is done by organizing career related activities. Take for instance workshops, seminars or inhouse days. Every year a company day is organized where members can follow workshops or presentations which ends with a social drink and networking. ASCI also keeps its members up-to-date about internships and jobs through its social media channels and website.

Information science

ASCI's members all study Information Science. Courses in the program are about collecting, saving and processing of data. Different skills are taught during the study programme such as but not limited to, python, web development, database manipulation and working with state of the art techniques like machine learning and neural networks. Information Science students and thus ASCI’s members are capable of solving difficult programming exercises and different Natural Language Processing tasks.

Onze partners

  • Axians
  • Belsimpel
  • Bigshopper
  • Dataprovider
  • RDW
  • Voys
  • theFactor.e
  • ING
  • Harvest Digital
  • Auditdienst Rijk
  • Bencom
  • Ordina
  • ChipSoft